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Episode 1 - 'Brand New' - Broadcast 28/02/24 11pm
This is your gym, you visited us every day between 2nd and 10th January, but we haven’t seen you since. Thank you for paying for 12-months in advance. See you next year, sucker!
Mario’s Pizza: we know it’s a brand-new year and you want to eat more healthily, but our food is loads nicer than salad and WE MAKE IT FOR YOU AND BRING IT TO YOUR DOOR!
Episode 2 - 'Surprise' - Broadcast 06/03/23 11pm
Hey, it’s Duo! Complete a lesson within the next 6 minutes or lose your precious streak. Don’t look so surprised, from the moment you downloaded our app, WE’VE OWNED YOU!!!
This is Couch to 5K. Did you know there was a Week 2?
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DMsAO S3 E2 - Surprise
00:00 / 00:20
Episode 3 - 'Breaking' - Broadcast 13/03/24 11pm
BBC News: You know that story you have absolutely zero interest in, well we’re going to be sending out dozens of breaking news alerts about it all day. Bet you don’t turn our notifications off though, just on the off chance a beloved celebrity dies and you get to be one of the first people to make a joke about it on social media.
Your phone battery has 8% charge remaining. We appreciate it may have only been switched on for the last 20 minutes, but you did recently install the latest iOS update, so who is really to blame.
Voicenote Submission
DMsAO S3 E3 - Breaking
00:00 / 00:14
Episode 4 - 'Exploration' - Broadcast 20/03/24 11pm
Nothing submitted
It seems quite a few people really struggled with this as a subject, so it will be interesting to see where those that did submit stuff took it.
Voicenote Submission
Close but no cigar! Had an email on Monday 25th March 2024 to say that this had made the script but not the final edit! Awesome obviously to be at least in the running, but absolutely gutted to be missing out on hearing this on Radio 4!
DMSAO S3 E5 - Taking Care
00:00 / 00:20
Voicenote Submission
DMsAO S3 E6 - Disaster
00:00 / 00:13
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