What with these feet
The website of sometime comedy writer, Mike Cooper.

This is the website of Mike Cooper.
Sometimes he writes...
Mostly comedy, but occasionally other stuff. He has had a modicum of success with radio over the years as jokes and sketches he has written have appeared on BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Scotland and Union Jack Radio.
He finally got the illustrious TV credit he so badly desired in November 2024 when a gag he wrote appeared on the televised version of Breaking the News. Next stop Have I Got News For You*
He has had extremely good feedback from industry professionals on television scripts he co-wrote with two other writers, and he is waiting for feedback on his own script, which, he won't lie, he is absolutely essing himself about.
He'll aim to update the site with his various writings, including things submitted to shows and occasional snippets of scripts he has worked on / is working on- along with other stuff like the 500 word short stories he writes, every now and then.
Mike freely admits that he wasn't very good at English at school, as will no doubt become apparent the more of his you read. He has definitely improved over the years, but he still has much to learn. Please try to remember that if you spot any glaring grammatical or speling errors.
It has to be said though, he's absolutely nailing writing in the third-person.​
If you would like to contact Mike, because maybe you like his jokes or the way he writes (hey, someone out there might!), or maybe you just want to chat about why Porridge is the greatest sitcom ever made, then head along to the contact page or use the email address in the footer. Operators are standing by.
*Man can dream, can't he!